Saturday, 18 January 2014

Magazine Analysis (ELLE Double-Page Spread)

Double-page Spread:

  1. Images: Again, very minimalistic photographs used for the double page spreads, the mix of Black and White/monochrome with Colour work well to highlight not only the fashion, but the mood/theme of the article. The model is quite serious, two out of three images not looking at the camera. As the pages go on, (four double page spreads), I think that the consistency is balanced between colours and in conclusion, the photographs link well with what is being said and this is why I think that although she is an Singer/Actress, the way they draw the attention upon the clothes she is wearing gives readers a way of changing their look to match the Indie/Pop vibe she is creating.
  2. Fonts: Font consistency still works, the 'title' for this article is placed at the bottom of the page, with writing covering over it, but still can be read. A kicker is used to start 'M' and 'F', the structure of the page separates the two fonts, leaving a blank white space, but filling that space with a quote with a font colour that supposedly matches the outfit Miley is wearing in the bottom photo, but isn't particularly visible.
  3. Colours: The continuous Black/White theme work in contrast with each other, and after seeing how well it works out, it gives me consideration and help on how to layout my magazine pages to create a simple but effective theme to match my chosen target audience.

1 comment:

  1. You will need to look at MUSIC magazines Michelle. As useful as it is analysing the style and structure of fashion, the brief is focused around music and therefore the exam board will want to see that you really understand the genre before you attempt to make your own.
