Friday, 17 January 2014

Analysis of Institution

  • The institution that I have chosen to possibly publish my magazine and the most suitable is VICE. 
  • VICE is an independent magazine company that focuses on art, culture and news topics. They have possession over 'I-D Magazine'. It integrated with the fashion magazine in December 2012, with the VICE CEO saying it is 'one of the only fashion publications in the world that we actually respect.'
  • VICE launched in 1994, it includes the work of Journalists, artists, illustrators, fiction writers, cartoonists, and photographers.
  • The reason why I have chosen to use VICE is down to the fact that they are a fairly large company that is respected and by requiring I-D, have good connections with the fashion industry, and because it is international, that doesn't mean it is just restricted to the U.K, which is a way of sending the British culture and Indie/Pop (which originally began in this country) to a wider audience.
  • After receiving feedback, I feel as though I could find another Institution that publish the type of magazine that I am wanting to create, but something a little less mainstream.

  • Plastic Media, a Fashion/Beauty/Lifestyle publishing house founded in 2003. They create and produce magazines, lookbooks and catalogues for various clients, from international brands/companies to independent designers. I think that this is a publication to consider due to the fact that I am trying to put a unique selling point out into my chosen genre, so I think it would be appropriate to use a publication that helps out less mainstream companies such as INDIE magazine.

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